Essential Champions!
Many of the single parents in our Single Parent Homes are essential employees while they are here improving their situation in life. The Coronavirus has cost some of our single parents their jobs, but many of our single parents and staff are working every day to help our community in this crisis. Below is a Social Media Series that we recently published on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to thank our own essential workers.
“Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
Romans 13:7

Kassandra is a single mom and a recent graduate of our Single Parent ministry. She now works as an elementary teacher. Kassandra is pictured left here with her daughter Kayliana while teaching her elementary class via a Zoom session. We are so proud of Kassandra and her commitment to her students!

MariCruz: “I work for Verizon/Russell Cellular. Communication is extremely vital at times like these. I get the opportunity to keep loved ones connected to each other. We provide mobile hotspots for teachers, students and the businesses who are working from home to help them continue working on their education and goals. I am very blessed to have a job and to be able to provide the services needed for our community. We are all in this together!”

We also honor single mom and essential worker Briana. Briana says “I am blessed to have a job during the COVID-19 crisis. I currently work at Pizza Hut, assisting with takeout/delivery orders.” Thank you, Briana! Thank you to all who support our ministry to give a hand up to young moms like Briana!

We honor single mom and essential worker Jessica from our Single Parent Homes. Jessica: “Hello, I am a Multisystemic Therapist. I provide intensive family, home, and community based therapy that strives to create healthier families, and to reduce juvenile criminal behaviors and out of home placements. I’m thankful to be able to work from home during this time and be able to continue to provide therapy to so many parents and juveniles struggling with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety during this crisis.”
Thank you Jessica for your service to our community!
Find out more about our Single Parent Homes at

Jackie is a single mom and teacher! Not only is Jackie teaching her three teenagers while staying at home, but she is also teaching her Portales Junior High students via distance learning. Jackie teaches Spanish, English Language Arts and Spanish Language Arts. Jackie is in our Single Parent Homes. Thank you, Jackie for finding ways to stay connected and teach our children!

Austin is a single Dad and essential worker! Austin: “My essential job is at Taco Bell as a mid shift manager. It’s not fancy, but I’m able to support my family and keep us afloat.” Austin is in our Single Parent Ministry and is raising his 3 year old twin boys. In addition to working at Taco Bell, Austin is enrolled in welding school. Thank you Austin! We are proud of you!

Single mom and essential worker, Olivia is a full time cafeteria employee for the elementary schools. Here she is making 350 lunches for children to pick up. Olivia said, “Ever since I started working here 3 years ago, I didn’t expect a tiny “thank you” from children receiving a meal. In my eyes a “thank you” goes a long way, it really feels good for being appreciated for doing my job. Now that this has happened I feel privileged that I can help anyone in need. It makes me feel good. I appreciate all the “thank you” we get. They have a special meaning. “
Thank you, Olivia for making a difference in the lives of children!

Thank you to essential worker and single mom, Kendra! Kendra: “I work in health information management for healthcare and my essential duties include ensuring accuracy of patient records, ensuring privacy of patient records, managing and maintaining databases, and abstracting emergency room charge documentation.” Thank you, Kendra!

Essential Worker and Single Mom, Jennifer is a Pre-K secretary at Brown Early Childhood Center. Jennifer is a widow with 3 children at home and is recovering from the loss of her husband, Daniel. Thank you for serving children!
During this Pandemic, our NMCCH staff continues to work hard at serving children and families. We are considered an essential business so our offices have remained open and we continue to serve and meet the needs of the children and families in our care. We are grateful to our Champion Donors who have sent items for our commissary, mailed in checks or given online to continue to support this ministry!