Unlock a world of new opportunities with us.

Your gift allows us to put funds where they are most needed today.

Your gift will support our Spiritual Life focus, including expenses such as sending our children to Bible Camps, retreats and other events that encourage them in their walk with Jesus.

Your gift will support all aspects of our Farm and Livestock focus, including agricultural and livestock supplies, farm equipment, and other costs associated with helping to feed our growing family.

As part of our Farm and Livestock youth focus, your gift will support the training, material, supply, and travel costs of having our kids involved in fairs and 4-H, where they learn to value God's creation and improve their social skills as they work alongside one another in our state and local communities.

Your gift will be used to meet expenses related to providing safe housing, spiritual and financial support to new mothers and their unborn babies.

Your gift will help meet the needs of our single parent families and the operating costs of their housing.

Your gift will be used to meet expenses related to providing safe housing, spiritual and financial support to our young adults.

Your gift will be used to meet expenses related to providing safe housing, spiritual and economical support to our youth.

Your gift will provide  families and youth  with loving one-on-one guidance, allowing them to dream, prosper and live independently.

Your gift will help us tailor a loving adoption plan and services for mothers and their babies.

Your gift will help us provide counselors and counseling services to our children, who will benefit from extra help in this area.

Your gift will help us provide tutors, supplies, scholarships, and other costs related to our children's vocational and educational success.

Your gift will help meet the costs of sports equipment, athletic clothing, uniforms, sports registration fees, sports camps fees, and other expenses related to our children's involvement in sports and recreation.

Immediate Needs

    • Dryer sheets
    • Laundry Soap
    • Spray 'n Wash
    • Peanut Butter and Jelly
    • Bottled Water


    • Toothpaste
    • Ranch Seasoning Packets
    • Paper towels
    • Toilet Paper
    • Pine Sol


Immediate, Current and Continuing needs can be found on these sites:

Purchase the items you would like to donate and have them shipped to the Home.

Visit Amazon and check out our shopping list. Purchase the items you wish to donate and ship them to us.


When ever you purchase any item on Amazon, we will also receive a donation from Amazon when you use the https://smile.amazon.com and designate NMCCH as the charity.

CouponBirds Seedling Project is a free fundraising platform to help thousands of charity organizations to raise funds easily online for free.

Thank you!
We appreciate your willingness to help us with our needs!