In the early 1950's, J.W. and Mary Terry were listening to a sermon by a preacher named Grover C. Ross at a church of Christ in Portales, New Mexico. Grover preached that Sunday on James 1:27 about how God defines "pure religion" as taking care of others, especially orphans and widows. Mr. and Mrs. Terry responded to that message by sacrificially giving eighty acres of farm land to begin a ministry to children in need.
As a result, the New Mexico Christian Children's Home opened its doors in March of 1954 to help children and families in crisis. By the summer of 1958, NMCCH was home to forty-eight children.
In 1979, we added "A Mother's Choice", a licensed New Mexico adoption agency. A Mother's Choice provides a complete range of professional services and confidential, compassionate assistance to birth mothers and fathers while finding loving adoptive parents for their newborn babies.
In 1983, we began our ministry to single parents to meet a growing need in our society. Our single parents are provided a home, utilities, and other necessities during the two-four year residency while they live with their children and improve their living conditions. Our goal for every single parent is that after completion, they are able to fully support their families with a new career or a higher-paying job.
Responding again to pressing societal needs, in 2021 we opened ministries to help meet the needs of young adults age eighteen to twenty-two, and the needs of new mothers who are pregnant and have no safe living conditions. Similar to our single parents, residents in these new ministries receive housing, utilities, and face-to-face personal coaching and support. And, like all people who qualify for our ministries, young adults and new mothers have tremendous options for educational and vocational opportunities.
We envision a world where the people we serve have seen firsthand the power of love, mercy and humility; where they join those who are inspired, empowered and eager to "go and do likewise." Breaking a cycle is good. Starting a new one is even better.
We do this by providing homes and Christian community for the people we serve. Along with a safe place to live, food, and clothing, we provide and coordinate social services that include mental health counseling, spiritual guidance, life coaching, adoption services, and educational & vocational opportunities. Most of all, we show people that they matter; that they are important to God and they are important to us.
You or someone you know may be in need of our help. All of our services are available to anyone who becomes a client in one of our four ministries, which are targeted to a person's age and circumstance. We serve K-12 youth, young adults aged eighteen to twenty-two, single parents and their minor children, and mothers who are pregnant and have no safe living conditions. If you are looking to improve your circumstances and are ready for a life change, please reach out. We would like to help you reach your potential through a loving Christian community.
Our history has made us optimists. We believe each person can change the world. We believe that being shown God's love and being given a chance to shine can profoundly impact their future. And so, we provide support and guidance to help people find their way to a self-supporting life that is safe, healthy, fulfilling, and based in Christian faith and love.

In our Youth Homes ministry, we serve K-12 youth who are in need of a change of environment or educational setting.

In 1983, NMCCH designed and established the Single Parent Program to help parents remain with their children as the primary caretaker.

Our New Mother Homes Ministry strives to a be a resource for our community. We value life and new beginnings for the unborn and their mothers.

Our Young Adult Homes ministry serves the often overlooked 18-22 year old's who find themselves in need of shelter, guidance, and direction.
Our NMCCH community is grateful for our connections near and far.
We have been blessed with a supportive local community that loves to see us succeed.

Our faith community strives to teach and share God's love with our clients.

Personnel from our local learning institutions are committed in our clientele.

Our youth love sports, it's a fact, and our schools love that.

Our rural community embraces our youth who show an interest in 4-H.